Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Speech at his arrival at Bristol (1774)
  • Speech at the conclustion of the poll (1774)
  • To William Burgh (9 February 1775)
  • Speech on conciliation with America (1775)
  • Letter to the sheriffs of Bristol on the affairs of America (1777)
  • Two letters to gentlemen in Bristol on the trade of Ireland (1778)
  • Some thoughts on the approaching executions (1780)
  • Speech at Bristol Guildhall previous to the election (1780)
  • To the Earl of Hillsborough and Lord Viscount Stormont (3 October 1789)
  • To Sir Thomas Rumbold (23 March 1781)
  • Speech on reform of representation (1782)
  • Speech on Fox's East India Bill (1783)
  • To Miss Mary Palmer (19 January 1786)
  • Speech in opening the impeachment of Warren Hastings (1788)
  • To Charles-Jean-François Depont (November 1789)
  • Letter to Richard Burke on Protestant ascendancy in Ireland (1792)
  • Preface to Brissot's Address to his constituents (1794)
  • Letter to a noble lord (1796).