Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : trajectories of subversives and mavericks in the Muslim Mediterranean / Odile Moreau
  • The life of Boubeker El-Ghanjaoui : from a cameleer to a wealthy notable in precolonial Morocco, 1870/1905 / Khalid Ben-Srhir
  • Aref Taher Bey : an Ottoman military instructor bridging the Maghreb and the Ottoman Mediterranean / Odile Moreau
  • Nazli Hanem, Kmar Bayya, and Khiriya Bin Ayyad : three women living between Istanbul, Cairo, and Tunis in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century / Leïla Blili
  • Servant, officer, and resistance fighter : the autobiography of Qa'id al-Raha al-Najim al-Akhsassi (1867/68/1964) / Wilfrid rollman
  • Little known roots of Islamism : al-Kawakibi's Umm al-Qura / Sanaa Makhlouf
  • Revisiting networks and narratives : Enver Pasha's Pan-Islamic and Pan-Turkic quest / Suhnaz Yõlmaz
  • Going to school : women's life stories, networks, and education in colonial North Africa, c. 1850/1962 / Julia Clancy-Smith
  • Mukhtar al-Ayari, a radical Tunisian in the 1920s and his place in labor history / Stuart schaar.