
SADC Gender Protocol 2015 Barometer.

In August 2008, Heads of State of the Southern African Development Community adopted the ground-breaking SADC Protocol on Gender and Development. This followed a concerted campaign by NGOs under the umbrella of the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance. The SADC Gender Protocol is the only sub-re...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Morna, Lowe
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Gender Links, 2015.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover; Title page; Copyright page; Contents; Acronyms; Contributors; Foreword; Preface; Executive summary; CHAPTER 1
  • Constitutional and legal rights. Articles 4-11; Background; Constitutional reforms and review processes in the region; Constitutional provisions; Affirmative action; Discriminatory legislation; Harmful traditional practices; Access to justice; Marriage and family laws; Widows and widower rights; SGP Post-2015; CHAPTER 2
  • Gender and governance. Articles 12-13; Background; Representation; Parliament; Cabinet; Local Government.
  • Constitutional reviews and women's political representationElectoral systems and quotas; Voluntary quotas and the PR system: Namibia and Mozambique; FPTP and no quota, but a strong 50/ 50 campaign: The case of Madagascar; FPTP and no quota
  • regression in Botswana and Mauritius; FPTP and quota
  • Zimbabwe learns from Mauritius' local government quota; Mixed system solution; Participation and responsiveness; Election management; Capacity building; SGP Post-2015; CHAPTER 3. Education and training. Article 14; Background; Education funding; Beyond statistics; Enrolment and retention.
  • Challenging stereotypesSGP Post-2015; CHAPTER 4
  • Productive resources and employment, economic empowerment. Articles 15-19; Background; Women and men in economic decision-making; Progress in policies; Multiple roles of women; Support for women in business; Property and resources; Land ownership; Mining; Employment; Labour force participation; Gender division of labour and wage gap; Skills development policies and programmes; SGP Post-2015; CHAPTER 5
  • Gender Based Violence. Articles 20-25; Legislation; GBV Services provision; Coordination, monitoring and evaluation; Background.
  • Key findings of the VAW Baseline Studies in six SADC countriesDrivers; Effects of GBV; The SADC Gender Protocol and GBV; Legal; Human trafficking; Sexual harassment; Support services; Prioritising prevention; Role of the media; Speaking out can set you free; Local action to end GBV; Economic empowerment of survivors of GBV; Engaging men and boys in the fight against GBV; Political commitment; Integrated approaches, monitoring and evaluation; SGP Post-2015; CHAPTER 6
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Article 26; Background; Maternal mortality ratio (MMR).
  • Access to quality health servicesAccess to skilled health professionals; Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR); Adolescent SRHR; Family planning; The right to choose; Sanitation; Women in refugee camps and prisons; SGP Post-2015; CHAPTER 7
  • HIV and AIDS. Article 27; Background; Policies; Prevention; Spotlight on youth; Preventing new HIV infections in children and keeping their mothers alive; Medical male circumcision; Continued research into new prevention approaches; Harm Reduction; Treatment; Access to ARVs; Saving lives; Challenges to expanding treatment; Care work.