Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: From Colonists to Emigrants: Explaining the 'Return-Migration' of Ethnic Germans from Central and Eastern Europe / Stefan Wolff
  • pt. I. Refugees, Expellees and Aussiedler in the Federal Republic of Germany: Historical, Social, Political and Legal Dimensions of the Integration Process. Ch. 1. Integrating Ethnic Germans in West Germany: The Early Postwar Period / Daniel Levy. Ch. 2. The Struggle of Past and Present in Individual Identities: The Case of German Refugees and Expellees from the East / Rainer Schulze. Ch. 3. Expellee Policy in the Soviet-occupied Zone and the GDR: 1945-1953 / Philipp Ther. Ch. 4. The Integration of Ethnic Germans from the Soviet Union / Andreas Heinrich.