Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Contributors
  • Acknowledgments
  • Preface
  • Part 1: Introduction
  • 1.1-Work Notes on Empirical Research in Black Psychology/A. Wade Boykin, Anderson J. Franklin, and J. Frank Yates.
  • Part 2: Methodology
  • 2.2-An Approach to Characterizing Parent-Infant Interactions/Ewart A.C. Thomas
  • 2.3-Crosscultural Methods for Survey Research in Black Urban Areas/Carl O. Word
  • 2.4-Bias and Discriminability in Group Performance/Ewart A.C. Thomas and Lillian Patterson
  • 2.5-Scale Construction in the Assessment of Sex-Role Stereotypes Among Minorities/O. Jackson Cole
  • 2.6-Black Psychology and the Research Process: Keeping the Baby But Throwing Out the Bath Water/A. Wade Boykin.
  • Part 3: Identity and Adjustment-3.7-The Negro-to-Black Conversion Experience: An empirical Analysis/William E. Cross, Jr.
  • 3.8-Correlates of Adjustment in Urban Black Aged/James S. Jackson, John D. Bacon, and John Peterson-3.9-Sharing in Black Children: the Impact of Reference Group Appeals and Other Environmental Factors/Sandra A. Sims
  • 3.10-External Feedback, Self-Evaluation, and Performance of Black and White College Students/Oscar Barbarin
  • 3.11-Patterns of Copping in Black Schoolchildren/Diane S. Pollard.
  • Part 4: Cognitive Abilities
  • 4.12-Locus of Control and Problem-Solving Abilities in Young Black Children: An Exploratory Analysis/Algea Othella Harrison
  • 4.13-Cultural Content of Materials and Ethnic Group Performance in Categorized Recall/Anderson J. Franklin and Lenora Fulani
  • 4.14-Recall and Memory Organization from Variations in List content: A Test of the Culture Specific Hypothesis/Anderson J. Franklin-4.15-Story Recall in young Black and White Children: Effects of Racial Group Membership, Race of Experimenter and Dialect/Williams S. Hall, Stephen Reder, and Michael Cole
  • 4.16-Relationship Between Cognitive Style and Selective Attention in Black Children/Algea Othella Harrison.
  • Part 6: Problems for Future Research-6.23-The Military's Coping Patterns with Problems of Race/Herman W. Dorsett-6.24-Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus: A Challenge for Black Behavioral Scientists/William B. Lawson-6.25-Conceptual and Strategic Issues in the Relationship of Black Psychology to American Social Science/James M. Jones
  • Index.