Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro; Dedication; Title page; Copyright; Contents; Frontispiece; Preface by Edward L. Shaughnessy; Preface by Anthony C. Yu; Foreword by the Editorial Committee; 1. the legacy of early chinese records; 2. written on bamboo and silk; 3. strategies of warring states; 4. sealing clays of han china; 5. implements and tools for writing; 6. raw materials for papermaking; 7. uses of paper and paper products; 8. development of inkmaking; 9. techniques of woodblock printing; 10. chinese invention ofpaper and printing; 11. western impact on chinathrough translation; 12. asian studies in america.
  • 13. first chinese-americanpublication exchange14. east asian studiesin american libraries; 15. how chinese rare bookscrossed the pacific; 16. master of sinology:herrlee g. creel; 17. working with joseph needham; 18. tung tso-pin in america; 19. yuan tung-li andinternational exchange; 20. The life and work of k. t. wu; LIST OF PUBLICATIONS; 21. Early years in china; 22. Arrival in chicago; 23. Work and study in america; 24. Teaching, research, and publications; 25. Travel and writingafter retirement; 26. T.H. Tsien library atnanjing university; 27. Life and career.
  • 28. An interview with t. h. tsien29. Publications; 30. International reviewsof publications; Illustrations; Bibliography; Index.