Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Vittorio Emanuele II. The king and the constitution, 1861 ; An abortive march on Rome, 1862 ; From Turin to Florence ; The war for Venice ; Court politics, 1866-7 ; A failed revolution, 1867 ; Personal rule ; The conquest of Rome ; The Left in power ; Death, and retrospect
  • Umberto I. The new reign ; The Triple Alliance ; Depretis and the transformation of parties ; Crispi, 1887-91 ; Two interim governments ; Crispi and the politics of force ; Defeat in Africa ; Umberto reasserts his authority ; Two turbulent years ; The collapse of parliamentary government ; Retrospect
  • Vittorio Emanuele III. A new direction in politics ; Foreign policy, 1900-4 ; The beginning of Giolittismo ; Great-power politics ; Victory in Libya ; Giolitti in difficulties, 1912-14 ; Salandra, 1914 ; To fight or not to fight?
  • World War I, and the rise of fascism. Italy at war, 1915-17 ; Defeat and triumph, 1917-18 ; Post-war difficulties ; Fascism and the march on Rome ; The fascist dictatorship ; The 'diarchy' ; Alliance with Germany
  • The end of the monarchy. Italy drifts into war ; The regime disintegrates ; Mussolini is dismissed ; The armistice ; The flight from Rome ; The monarchy under attack ; Umberto II
  • List of prime ministers of Italy.