Tabla de Contenidos:
  • \Introduction: science and the social / Martin Carrier
  • Part I. The play of values within the core areas of scientific research
  • Must evidence underdetermine theory? / John D. Norton
  • Values and their intersection : reduction as methodology and ideology / Margaret Morrison
  • Values, heuristics, and the politics of knowledge / Helen E. Longino
  • Replacing the ideal of value-free science / Janet A. Kourany
  • Scientific values and the values of science / Jay F. Rosenberg
  • Part II. The demands of society on science : socially robust knowledge and expertise
  • How robust is "socially robust knowledge"? / Peter Weingart
  • In defense of some sweeping claims about socially robust knowledge / Roger Strand
  • Third wave science studies : toward a history and philosophy of expertise / Christopher Hamlin
  • Part III. The exigencies of research funding : epistemic values and economic benefit
  • The community of science / James Robert Brown
  • Science in the grip of the economy : on the epistemic impact of the commercialization of research / Martin Carrier
  • Promoting disinterestedness or making use of bias? : interests and moral obligation in commercialized research / Matthias Adam.