Tabla de Contenidos:
  • An introduction to Galician culture / Helena Miguélez-Carballeira
  • Clerics, troubadours and damsels : Galician literature and written culture during the Middle Ages / Santiago Gutiérrez García
  • Contemporary Galicia : from agrarian crisis to high-speed trains / Xosé Ramón Veiga
  • Santiago de Compostela : fact and fetish / María Liñeira
  • The Galician language in the twenty-first century / Bernadette O'Rourke
  • Bagpipes, bouzoukis and bodhráns : the reinvention of Galician folk music / José Colmeiro
  • Galician architecture : from foundations to roof / Xurxo Ayán Vila
  • Cinema in Galicia : beyond an interrupted history / Xan Gómez Viñas
  • The rural, urban and global spaces of Galician culture / María Reimóndez
  • Rosalía de Castro : life, text and afterlife / Helena Miguélez-Carballeira
  • Contemporary Galician politics : the end of a cycle? / Noa Rios Bergantinhos.