Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The development of nuclear strategy / Bernard Brodie
  • Nuclear strategy: a case for a theory of victory / Colin Gray
  • Deterrence and perception / Robert Jervis
  • Inadvertent nuclear war? escalation and NATO's northern flank / Barry R. Posen
  • The origins of overkill: nuclear weapons and American strategy, 1945-1960 / David Alan Rosenberg
  • U.S. strategic nuclear concepts in the 1970s: the search for sufficiently equivalent countervailing parity / Warner R. Schilling
  • U.S. strategic forces: how would they be used? / Desmond Ball
  • The countervailing strategy / Walter Slocombe
  • The political potential of equivalence / Benjamin S. Lambeth
  • The political utility of nuclear weapons: the 1973 Middle East crisis / Barry Blechman and Douglas Hart.