Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. I. John, Environmental Archaeology, Experiment and Philosophy
  • 1. Professor John Gwynne Evans, 1941-2005 aka 'Snails' Evans
  • an appreciation / Michael J. Allen
  • 2. Culture and Environment; mind the gap / Terry O'Connor
  • 3. 'We opened up a really nice porcelain door handle' / Steve Mills
  • 4. Experimental Archaeology: changing science agendas and perceptual perspectives / Martin Bell
  • pt. 2. Trees and Chalklands
  • 5. If you go Down the Woods Today; a re-evaluation of chalkland postglacial woodland; implications for prehistoric communities / Michael J. Allen and Julie Gardiner
  • 6. Land Snails and Woodland Clearances: modern ecological studies and their archaeological implications / Paul Davies and Neville Gardner
  • 7. Peopling the landscape; prehistory of the Wylye Valley, Wiltshire / Julie Gardiner and Michael J. Allen
  • 8. A Landscape Tale of Two Soil Histories in Lowland Zones of England: the fen-edge of Cambridgeshire and the downland of Cranborne Chase / Charles French
  • 9. Cows in the Wood / Frances Healy
  • pt. 3. Coasts and Islands
  • 10. Living in the Sands
  • Bronze Age Gwithian, Cornwall, revisited / Jacqueline A. Nowakowski
  • 11. The Construction of Barrows in Bronze Age Orkney
  • an 'assuagement of guilt'? / Jane Downes
  • 12. On the Islandness of St Kilda / Andrew Fleming
  • 13. Beaker Settlement in the Western Isles / Niall Sharples
  • pt. 4. Archaeology, Snails and Shells
  • 14. Environmental Change in an Orkney Wetland: plant and molluscan evidence from Quoyloo Meadow / Terry O'Connor and M. Jane Bunting
  • 15. Mysteries of the Middens: change and continuity across the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition / Nicky Milner and Oliver E. Craig
  • 16. Environmental Archaeologv of the Roman villa at Rock, Brighstone, Isle of Wight / George R. Speller, Richard C. Preece and Simon A. Parfitt
  • 17. Ena montana (Drap.) and Neolithic Woodland Regeneration in Southern England / Mark Robinson
  • pt. 5. People, Process and Social Order
  • 18. As We Were Saying: connecting people and places / Alasdair Whittle
  • 19. Manure and the Medieval social order / Richard Jones
  • 20. The Social Face of Threshing Floors / Aikaterini K. Paschali.