Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Deflation and Depression
  • 2. The Prewar Gold Standard
  • 3. The Postwar Undervaluation of Gold
  • 4. The Postwar Gold Exchange Standard
  • 5. The French Inflation, 1921-26
  • 6. German and French Capital Inflows, 1924-31
  • 7. The British and German Deflations, 1924-27
  • 8. The French Stabilization, 1926-28
  • 9. The French Deflation, 1928-32
  • 10. The American Deflation, 1928-32
  • 11. Why Did the Great Depression Happen?
  • App. Gold in Central Banks and Treasuries, December 1926-June 1932.