
The electoral consequences of third way welfare state reforms : social democracy's transformation and its political costs /

Dit boek analyseert de electorale gevolgen van de hervormingen in de welvaartsstaat in vier liberaal sociaaldemocratische landen in Europa. Deze zogenaamde 'Derde Weg-sociaaldemocraten' hervormden de welvaartsstaat zodanig dat een deel van het sociaaldemocratische electoraat zich definitie...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Arndt, C. (Christoph), 1967- (Autor)
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, [2013]
Colección:Changing welfare states.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1 Empirical puzzle
  • 1.2 The arguments in brief
  • 1.3 Structure of the book
  • 2 Theoretical Background
  • 2.1 The political-economic and societal background to Third Way policies
  • Social Democracy's transformation towards the Third Way
  • 2.2 Social policy and the welfare state as a base for social democratic alignment
  • 2.3 Welfare state reform as a catalyst for partisan dealignment
  • Comparison of traditional social democratic and Third Way social policy
  • 2.4 Decommodification, social class and conceptualising the social democratic core constituency
  • 2.5 Political system, party competition and welfare reforms
  • The impact of the electoral system for the electoral effects of the reforms
  • Competitor parties for social democracy after Third Way reforms under PR.
  • Challenge from the left
  • Challenge from the right
  • Credibility considerations and the prospects for challenger parties
  • Mainstream parties as potential challengers
  • 2.6 Social democracy and declining class voting
  • 3 Design and Methods
  • 3.1 Case selection and strategy of comparison
  • 3.2 Analysis of reforms
  • 3.3 Analysis of the electoral consequences of reforms
  • 3.4 Data sources for the statistical analysis
  • 3.5 Organisation of chapters
  • 4 United Kingdom
  • 4.1 The social policy of the Labour Party
  • 4.2 Alignment of the social democratic core constituency in the United Kingdom
  • 4.3 Welfare state reforms in Britain under New Labour, 1997-2005
  • 4.4 Party competition around welfare state reforms, 1997-2005.
  • 4.5 Data and variables
  • 4.6 Results
  • Attitudes towards Labour's policy and voting behaviour after 1997
  • Electoral effects of Labour's policy change, 1997-2001
  • Electoral effects of Labour's policy change, 2001-05
  • 4.7 Conclusion
  • 5 Germany
  • 5.1 The social policy of German social democracy
  • 5.2 Alignment of the social democratic core constituency in Germany
  • 5.3 Welfare state reforms in Germany and their political context, 1998-2009
  • 5.4 Party competition on welfare state reforms in Germany, 1998-2009
  • 5.5 Data and variables
  • 5.6 Results
  • Attitudes towards reform proposals and actual reforms
  • First red-green cabinet, 1998-2002
  • Second red-green cabinet, 2002-05
  • The SPD in the Grand Coalition, 2005-09
  • 5.7 Conclusion.
  • 6 Denmark
  • 6.1 The social policy of social democracy in Denmark
  • 6.2 The traditional core constituency of Danish social democracy
  • 6.3 The labour market reforms under social democratic governments, 1993-2001
  • 6.4 Party competition and welfare state reforms, 1993-2001
  • 6.5 Data and variables
  • 6.6 Results
  • Attitudes towards reform proposals and party choice after 1993
  • Alignment of SD's core constituency, 1994-98
  • Alignment of SD's core constituency and breakthrough of the Danish People's Party, 1998-2001
  • 6.7 Conclusion
  • 7 Sweden
  • 7.1 The Swedish social democratic party and its social policy
  • 7.2 The core constituency of Swedish social democracy
  • 7.3 The Third Road, crisis responses and welfare state reforms in the 1980s and 1990s
  • 7.4 Party competition in Sweden, 1991-2006.
  • 7.5 Data
  • 7.6 Analysis
  • Attitudes towards labour market reform proposals and party shares
  • The electoral punishment after the crisis, 1994-98
  • The sap's recovery and the Left Party's setback, 1998-2002
  • 7.7 The sap's electoral fortunes in opposition
  • 7.8 Conclusion
  • 8 Comparative Summary
  • 8.1 General expectations and summary of findings
  • The role of the electoral system for the electoral effects of the reforms
  • The role of party competition for the electoral effects of the reforms
  • 8.2 Discussion of rival explanations
  • 9 Discussion
  • 9.1 Applicability of arguments to other countries
  • 9.2 Contribution to existing literature and political implications
  • 9.3 Implications for future research on social democracy.