Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Frontmatter
  • Contents
  • About this book
  • Geography of the Masai Mara
  • Map of the Masai Mara
  • Where to watch wildlife in the Masai Mara
  • The great migrations
  • About the guides
  • Lion
  • Leopard
  • Cheetah
  • Serval
  • Caracal
  • Wildcat
  • African Chivet
  • Small- and large-spotted Genet
  • Spotted Hyena
  • Aardwolf
  • Striped Hyena
  • Dwarf Mongoose
  • Banded Mongoose
  • Slender Mongoose
  • Ichneumon Mongoose
  • Marsh Mongoose
  • White-tailed Mongoose
  • Zorilla
  • Honey Badger
  • Black-backed Jackal
  • Side-striped Jackal
  • Bat-eared Fox
  • Wild Dog
  • Pangolin
  • Aardvark
  • African Elephant
  • Black Rhinoceros
  • Hippopotamus
  • Warthog
  • Plains Zebra
  • Maasai Giraffe
  • Cape Buffalo
  • Eland
  • Greater Kudu
  • Bush Duiker
  • Oribi
  • Kirk's Dik-dik
  • Klipspringer
  • Mountain Reedbuck
  • Bohor Reedbuck
  • Bushbuck
  • Defassa Waterbuck
  • Impala
  • Grant's Gazelle
  • Thomson's Gazelle
  • Coke's Hartebeest
  • Topi
  • White-bearded Wildebeest
  • Cape Hare, Scrub Hare
  • Springhare
  • Unstriped- and Striped Ground Squirrel
  • Grass Rat
  • White-bellied Hedgehog
  • Crested Porcupine
  • Bush Hyrax
  • Greater Galago
  • Lesser Galago
  • Guereza Colobus
  • Red-tailed Monkey
  • Blue Monkey
  • Vervet Monkey
  • Olive Baboon
  • Nile Crocodile
  • Savanna Monitor, Nile Monitor
  • Leopard Tortoise
  • Helmeted Terrapin
  • Flap-necked Chameleon, Striped Skink
  • Tropical House Gecko
  • Cape Dwarf Gecko
  • Mwanza Flat-headed Agama
  • Blue-headed Tree Agama
  • Black-necked Spitting Cobra
  • Black Mamba
  • Spotted Bush Snake, Velvety-green Night Adder
  • Puff Adder
  • African Rock Python
  • References and useful resources
  • Acknowledgements
  • Index.