Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""The European Union â€? A Global Actor?""; ""Table of Contents""; ""Introduction""; ""Part 1: History and Institutions""; ""The EUâ€?s Institutional Structure Involved in Shaping Foreign and Security Policy""; ""The Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) â€? Challenges after “Lisbonâ€?""; ""The European Security Strategy â€? The Way Ahead""; ""The European External Action Service (EEAS): Reality, Potential and Challenges""; ""Military Transitions in the CSDP""; ""EU Military Operations: Structures, Capabilities and Shortfalls""
  • ""Part 2: EU Foreign Relations: Organisations, Regions and Countries""""The European Union at the United Nations Partners in a Multilateral World?""; ""The Relationship between the EU and NATO: Complementary Co-operation or Institutional Rivalry?""; ""The EU and ASEAN â€? The Interregional Relationship Between Europe and Asia""; ""The Mediterranean Dialogue""; ""European Union and African Crises: The Multiple Personalities of an Actor""; ""EU â€? Latin America: A Strategic Partnership in the Making?""; ""EU Relations with Turkey""
  • ""The EU as a “Targetâ€? of Russiaâ€?s “Energy Foreign Policyâ€?""""China and the European Union â€? Partners in Antagonism""; ""The European Union and India Forming a â€?Strategic Partnershipâ€?""; ""Part 3: Current Issues""; ""The Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU and the Human Rights Issue""; ""Combating Terrorism in the 21st Century: The European Approach""; ""Arab Foreign Fighters in Bosnia â€? The Roads to Europe""; ""Securing the External Borders of the EU â€? The Role of Frontex""; ""Environmental Protection: Global Challenges for the EU""
  • ""The â€?European Social Modelâ€? â€? Light-House for the World or Sick Man of the Bosporus?""""European Union Sanctions as a Foreign Policy Tool: Do They Work?""; ""Conclusions and Outlook""; ""Index""; ""Authors""