Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Interior and exterior: G.E. Lessing's Laocoon as a prelude to romanticism
  • Image and phantasm: Wackenroder's Herzensergiessungen eines kunstliebenden Klosterbruders, Tieck's Franz Sternbalds Wanderungen, and the emergence of the romantic paradigm
  • Symbol and allegory: Clemens Brentano's Godwi
  • Sublimity and beauty: Caspar David Friedrich and Joseph Anton Koch
  • Light and dark: the paintings of Philipp Otto Runge
  • Absolution and contradiction: confrontations with art in Heinrich von Kleist's "Die heilige Cäcilie oder die Gewalt der Musik" and "Der Findling"
  • Self and other: Joseph von Eichendorff's Das Marmorbild.