
Christian social teachings : a reader in Christian social ethics from the Bible to the present /

Jesus as an instigator of revolutionary change. This classic collection of Christian statements on social ethics, now fully revised and augmented, provides a panoramic view of the 2000-year development of Christian concerns for political justice, peace, civil rights, family law, civil liberties, and...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: Forell, George W. (George Wolfgang), 1919-2011, Childs, James M., 1939-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Minneapolis : Fortress Press, ©2013.
Edición:2nd ed.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Part I. Biblical influences
  • ch. 1. Hebrew Bible
  • Exodus 20:1-17; 21:1-11, 22-25, 33-36; 22:21-27
  • Leviticus 25:8-9
  • Prophetic accents : Amos 5:6-24, Isaiah 11:1-9
  • ch. 2. New Testament
  • Matthew 5
  • Luke 4:14-21 and Mathhew 11:2-6
  • Luke 10:25-37
  • Luke 12:15-31
  • Romans 13 and 1 Pter 2:13-3:8
  • 1 John 4:7-21 and 1 Corinthians 13:1-7
  • Part II. The early church
  • ch. 3. Apostolic fathers
  • The Epistle of Barnabas xvii-xxi
  • The first apology of Justin Martyr 14-17, 27-29
  • Irenaeus, against heresies, book v, chapter 24
  • ch. 4. Tertullian
  • Apology, chapters 39-45
  • Spectacles, chapters 8-10
  • ch. 5. The Alexandrian school
  • The instructor, book i, chapter xiii
  • the rick man's salvation
  • Origen : against Celsus, book viii, 73-75
  • ch. 6. Chrysostom
  • Concerning the statutes, homily xii, 9, 12-15
  • Homilies on Matthew, xix, 6.1
  • ch. 7. Augustine
  • Enchiridion, chapters 9-11
  • Enchiridion, chapters 9-11; 23-26
  • City of God xiv, 28; xix, 17
  • Of the morals of the Catholic church, chapters xv, xxiv, 424, xxvi, and xxvii
  • A good marriage, chapters 3, 6, 7, 10
  • Peace and just war, city of God, book xv, 4; xix, 7
  • Part III. The medieval church
  • ch. 8. Monasticism
  • The rule of Sain Benedict
  • The rule of Saint Francis
  • St. Francis's canticle of the sun
  • ch. 9. The mystics
  • One lvoe of God / Bernard of Clairvaus
  • The talks of instruction, nos. 2, 4, 5, 7, 18 / Meister Eckhart
  • The dialogue or a treatise of divine providence / Catherine of Siena
  • ch. 10. Thomas Aquinas
  • Summa theologica, ii/1, question 90, article 2
  • Summa theologica, ii/1, question 91, articles 1-4
  • Summa theologica, ii/1, question 94, article 2
  • Summa theologica, ii/2, question 58, articles 1, 11, 12
  • Summa theologica ii/2, question 60, articles 5-6
  • Summa theologica, ii/2, question 64, articles 2-3 and question 40, article 1
  • Summa theologica, ii/2, question 66, articles 1-2
  • ch. 11. The medieval Papacy
  • Pope Gregory VII excommunication decree 1076
  • Unam Sanctam 1302
  • Part IV. The Reformation
  • ch. 12. Martin Luther
  • Treatise on Christian liberty, 1520
  • Temporal authority : to what extent it should be oveyed, 1522
  • Against the robbing and murdering horde of peasants, ca. 1525
  • ch. 13. John Calvin
  • Institutes, book ii, chapter ii, no. 1
  • Institutes, book ii, no. 13
  • Institutes, book ii, chapter viii, nos. 39, 41, 45-46
  • Institutes, book iii, chapter xxi, no. 7
  • Institutes, book iv, chapter xx, nos. 1-3, 24, 31-32
  • ch. 14. The Anabaptists
  • The schleitheim confession of faith
  • Sermon to the princes / Thomas Muntzer
  • Reply to false accusation / Menno Simons
  • ch. 15. Post-Reformation England and America
  • ch. 16. The Puritans
  • An agreement of the people
  • The law of freedom in a platform or true magistracy restored (1652) / Gerrard Winstanley
  • ch. 17. Roger Williams
  • The bloody tenent of persecution (July 15, 1644)
  • ch. 18. The Quakers
  • Rules of discipline [society of friends]
  • Rules of discipline [opposition to war]
  • Rules of discipline [abolition of slavery].
  • Part VI. Eighteenth-century voices
  • ch. 19. Rationalism
  • The reasonableness of Christianity / John Locke
  • Upon the love of our neighbor / Joseph Butler
  • ch. 20. Pietism
  • Pia desideria / Philip Jacob Spener
  • Scriptural rules / August Hermann Francke
  • ch. 21. John Wesley
  • The use of money
  • Thoughts upon slavery
  • Thoughts on the present scarcity of provisions
  • Part VII. Nineteenth-century boices
  • ch. 22. Friedrick Schleiermacher
  • On Christian social ehtics
  • ch. 23. Horace Bushnell
  • Politics under the law of God
  • ch. 24. Frederick Denison Maurice
  • The kingdom of Christ
  • ch. 25. Abolitionists
  • Ain't I a woman? / Sojourner Truth
  • The meaning of July Fourth for the negro / Frederick Douglas
  • ch. 26. Albrecht Ritschl
  • Liberal theology
  • Part VIII. Nineteenth- and twentieth-century Catholic social teaching
  • ch. 27. On behalf of workers : Industrial Revolution and the Great Depression
  • Rerum novarum, May 15, 1891 / Leo III
  • Quadragesimo anno, 1931 / Pope Pous XI
  • ch. 28. Pope John XXIII and Vatican II
  • Pacem in terris (1963) / John XXIII
  • Gaudium et spes (1965) / Vatican Council II
  • ch. 29. United States Catholic bishops
  • The challenge of peace : God's promise and our response (1983)
  • Economic justice for all (1986)
  • Part IX. Early- to mid-twentieth-century voices
  • ch. 30. The social gospel
  • Social redemption / Washington Gladden
  • A theology for the social gospel / Walter Rauchenbusch
  • ch. 31. Reinhold Niebuhr
  • An interpretation of Christian ethics
  • justice and love
  • Christian faith and natural law
  • ch. 32. Paul Tillich
  • The kingdom of God in history, systematic theology, vvolume three
  • ch. 33. karl Barth
  • The Christian community and the civil community, community, state, and church
  • ch. 34. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • The concrete commandment and the divine mandates, ethics letters and papers from prison
  • Part X. Twentieth-century feminist and womanist ethics
  • ch. 35. Feminist voices
  • Sexism and God-talk / Rosemary Radford Ruether
  • Feminism and Christian ehtics, freeing theology : the essentials of theology in feminist perspective / Lisa Sowle Cahill
  • Making the connections : wssays in feminist social ethics / Beverly Wildung Harrison
  • ch. 36. Womanist voices
  • Katie's canon : womanism and the soul fo the black community / katie Geneva Cannon
  • White women's Jesus adn black woman's Christ : feminist Christology and womanist response / Jacquelyn Grant
  • Womanist theology : black women's voice / Delores S. Williams
  • Part XI. Contemporary issues : the mid-tweenthieth century to the present
  • ch. 37. Justice and liberation
  • Letter from a Birmingham jail / Martin Luther King Jr.
  • A black theology of liberation / Jame sH. Cone
  • A theology of liberation : history, politics, and salvation / Gustavo Gutierrez
  • The principle of mercy : taking the crucified people fromt he cross / Jon Sobrino
  • ch. 38. Human sexuality
  • Catholic social and sexual teaching : a methodological comparison / Charles Curran
  • Life without anchors : sex, exchange, and human rights in a postmodern world / Christine Gudorf
  • The Lambeth Conference 1998, resolution i.10 human sexuality
  • World council of churches' contributions to the discussions on human sexuality : from Harare to Porto Alegre, background document, Geneva 2006
  • Just love : a framework for Christian sexual theics / Margaret Farley
  • ch. 39. Environmental ethics
  • Called to unity (1962) / Joseph Sittler
  • Is eco-justice central to Christian faith? earth community, earth ethics / Larry L. Rasmussen
  • The body of God : an ecological theology / Sallie McFague
  • Loving nature : ecological integrity and Christian responsibility / James Nash
  • ch. 40. Biomedical ehtics
  • Fabricated man / Paul Ramsey
  • Morals and medicine / Joseph Fletcher
  • How brave a new world : dilemmas in bioethics / ricahrd A. McCormick
  • The contributions of theology to medical ethics / james Gustafson
  • Tehological and moral reflections on stem cell research / Paul T. Jersild
  • ch. 41. Pacifism, just war, and terrorism
  • A practical Christian pacifism / David A. Hoekema
  • Address of Pope John Paul II to the diplomatic corps, January 13, 2003
  • Just war against terror / Jean Bethke Elshtain
  • ch. 42. The church in the world and the ethics of virt-- The priestly kingdom : social ethics as gospel / John howard Yoder
  • A community fo character : toward a consturctive Christian social ethic / Stanley Hauerwas
  • The recovery of virtue : the relevance of Aquinas for Christian ethics
  • ch. 43. Trinitarian theology and social ehtics
  • The trinity and the kingdom / Jurgen Moltmann
  • God for us : the trinity and Christian life / Catherine Mowry LaCugna.