Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Lavater's dedication
  • Open letter to Lavater
  • From "counter-reflections to Bonnet's Palingenesis"
  • Letter to Rabbi Jacob Emden, 26 October 1773
  • Letter to "a man of rank" (Rochus Friedrich Graf von Lynar)
  • From the preface to Vindiciae Judaeorum
  • "The search for light and right"
  • Mörschel's postscript
  • From Jerusalem, or on Religious Power and Judaism
  • From letter to Naphtali Herz Homberg
  • From Jacobi's On the Doctrine of Spinoza
  • From Morning Hours
  • From To Lessing's Friends
  • From introduction to Commentary on Ecclesiastes
  • Introduction to translation of Psalms
  • From letter to August Hennings, 29 June 1779
  • From Light for the Path
  • Selections from the Bi'ur
  • On the religious legitimacy of studying logic
  • An ontological proof for God's existence
  • A cosmological proof for God's existence
  • A proof for the immortality of the soul
  • A rational foundation for ethics
  • On the possibility of miracles
  • On the reliability of miracles.