Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction. Interpretive traditions : idolatry, dualism, monotheism, aniconism ; Redescribing Israelite parodies of iconic cult
  • Rites and writing in ancient Israel. Ritual and power ; Classification ; Social formation
  • Israelite icon parodies. An innovative genre of the exilic age ; Jeremiah 10:1-16
  • The icon parodies of Second Isaiah ; Psalms 115 and 135 ; Literary history, social history, and interpretive power ; Classification and social formation ; Mesopotamian iconic ritual. The Mesopotamian cult image : ancient evidence and modern interpretations ; The induction of the cult image in Mesopotamia : the mīs pî ritual ; Iconic aspects of Mesopotamian warfare and historiography ; The enthronement of the supreme deity ; Mesopotamian iconic politics and Israelite icon parodies
  • Iconic politics in ancient Israel. Iconic traditions in the Hebrew Bible ; The Ark Narrative ; Deuteronomistic iconic political discourse ; Ezekiel and the departure of Yahweh ; Israelite aniconism or Israelite iconic politics?
  • Conclusion. Classification and cult.