Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Introduction / Joyce Marcus and Charles Stanish
  • 2. Intensified large-scale irrigation as an aspect of imperial policy : strategies of statecraft on the late Sasanian Mesopotamian plain / Robert McC. Adams
  • 3. From highland to desert : the organization of landscape and irrigation in Southern Arabia / Tony Wilkinson
  • 4. Intensification as situated process : landscape history and collapse / Kathleen Morrison
  • 5. Water supply, labor organization, and land ownership in Indus floodplain agricultural systems / Heather M.-L. Miller
  • 6. The barren and the fertile : central and local intensification strategies across variable landscapes / Tina L. Thurston
  • 7. Irrigation in medieval Spain : a personal narrative across a generation / Thomas F. Glick
  • 8. Agricultural intensification : a Polynesian perspective / Patrick V. Kirch
  • 9. The roles of ritual and technology in Mesoamerican water management / Joyce Marcus
  • 10. The economic underpinnings of prehispanic Zapotec civilization : small-scale production, economic interdependence, and market exchange / Gary M. Feinman
  • 11. Agricultural intensification, water, and political power in the Southern Maya lowlands / Lisa J. Lucero
  • 12. Agricultural innovation, intensification, and sociopolitical development : the case of highland irrigation agriculture on the Pacific Andean watersheds / Patrick Ryan Williams
  • 13. Intensification, political economy, and the farming community : in defense of a bottom-up perspective of the past / Clark L. Erickson
  • 14. Prehispanic agricultural strategies of intensification in the Titicaca basin of Peru and Bolivia / Charles Stanish
  • 15. Intensification and the political economy : a contextual overview / Vernon L. Scarborough.