Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Why Do Research on Higher Education?
  • Many Questions, Many Options
  • Our Philosophy of Research Design
  • How This Book Is Organized
  • 2. What Are Your Questions?
  • Why Are Research Questions So Important?
  • Getting Specific
  • Building on the Work of Others
  • Correlation versus Causation
  • The Wheel of Science
  • 3. What Groups Do You Want to Study?
  • Specifying the Target Population
  • Where Should You Conduct the Study?
  • Selecting Your Sample
  • More Than One Type of Respondent
  • Nonresponse Bias
  • 4. What Predictors Do You Want to Study?Types of Predictors
  • The Important Role of Variation
  • Other Reasons for Selecting Predictors
  • The Integrity of Your Treatment
  • Choosing Which Predictors to Study
  • 5. Compared to What?
  • Why Do You Need a Comparison Group?
  • Randomized Control Groups: The Best Comparisons
  • Requiring Informed Consent
  • Volunteer Bias
  • Comparison Groups without Random Assignment
  • Retrospective Case-control Studies
  • Design Effects Can Swamp Treatment Effects
  • 6. What Are Your Outcomes?
  • Different Kinds of Outcomes
  • Will You Measure Status or Development?Short-term versus Long-term Effects
  • Are Your Measures Valid?
  • 7. How Can You Improve Your Measures?
  • What Is Measurement Error?
  • Reliability and Measurement Error
  • Six Strategies for Improving Measurement Quality
  • Looking at Measurement Quality
  • 8. How Many People Should You Study?
  • Why Is Sample Size So Important?
  • What Size Effect Do You Want to Detect?
  • What Type of Analysis Will You Use?
  • Instrument Precision and Sample Size
  • What If Students Drop Out?
  • 9. Should You Try It out on a Small Scale?The Advantages of Pilot Studies
  • Piloting Instruments
  • Relational Studies
  • Informal Small-scale Experiments
  • Generalizing from a Small Study
  • 10. Where Should You Go from Here?
  • Getting Started
  • Lessons from Our Seminar
  • Decisions You Must Make
  • Planning a Longer-term Research Program
  • References
  • Index