Tabla de Contenidos:
  • National Defense Advisory Commission
  • Origins, structure, and staffing of NDAC
  • The military and economic mobilization
  • The NDAC in operation
  • The Office of Production Management and the Supply Priorities and Allocations Board
  • Structure and staffing of OPM, OPACS, and SPAB
  • The military and OPM
  • OPM, OPACS, and the struggle to expand production
  • OPM's Labor, Purchases, and Priorities Divisions, and SPAB
  • The War Production Board, 1942-1945
  • WPB: organization and staffing
  • The armed services' material organization for World War II
  • 10. National and international mobilization agencies
  • Converting and expanding industry, 1942
  • Refining WPB economic controls, 1942
  • The WPB at flood tide, 1943-1944
  • Organized labor in a mobilized economy, 1940-1945: labor supply
  • Organized labor in a mobilized economy, 1940-1945: labor relations
  • Economic stabilization
  • Reconversion
  • Mobilizing the World War II economy.