Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Port development and the demographic dynamics of European urbanization / Robert Lee, Richard Lawton
  • Industrialization and demographic change : a case study of Glasgow, 1801-1914 / Andrew Gibb
  • Population dynamics and economic development of Genoa, 1750-1939 / Giuseppi Felloni
  • Components of demographic change in a rapidly growing port-city : the case of Liverpool in the nineteenth century / Richard Lawton
  • Mortality development of a port-town in a national perpective : the experience of Malmö, Sweden, 1820-1914 / Gunnar Fridlizius
  • Population dynamics and economic change in Trieste and its hinterland, 1850-1914 / Marina Cattaruzza
  • Admirality connection : port development and demographic change in Portsmouth, 1650-1900 / Barry Stapleton
  • Port-city legacy : urban demographic change in the Hansestadt Bremen, 1815-1910 / Robert Lee, Peter Marschalck
  • Changes in population development, urban structures, and living conditions in nineteenth-century Hamburg / Clemens Wischermann
  • Demographic change and social structure : the workers and the bourgeoisie in Nantes, 1830-1848 / Angela Fahy
  • Population, society, and politics in Cork from the late-eighteenth century to 1900 / John B. O'Brien.