Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Methodological interface of psychology and anthropology / Ramesh C. Mishra and Pierre C. Dasen
  • Rethinking tradition : invention, cultural continuity and agency / Ton Otto
  • Intentionality of action in cultural context / Gisela Trommsdorff
  • Positioned meaning in personal nattative / Stephen C. Leavitt
  • Actors and actions in "exotic" palces / Andrew Strathern and Pamels J. Stewart
  • Power, knowledge and the organization of space / Peter Meusburger
  • On the constitution of space and the construction of places: Java's magic axis / Werner Hennings
  • Elementary methodological tools for a recursive approach to human-environmental relations / Katja Neves-Garça Tempestuous landscapes : persons, places and memory in two Vanuatu hurricanes / Margaret C. Rodman
  • "Anthropology of landscape" as a research method / Susanne Kuehling
  • Small, person, space and memory / Bettina Beer
  • Memory measurement / Edgar Erdfelder and Martin Brandt
  • Nijmegen space games : studying the interrelationship between language, culture and cognition / Gunter Senft
  • Perception of space from a psychological perspective / Joachim Funke Conducting cognitive tasks and interpreting the results : the case of spatial inference tasks / Thomas Widlok.