Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Women at the border : foundations and frameworks / Ellen R. Hansen and Doreen J. Mattingly
  • The unsettling, gendered consequences of migration for Mexican indigenous women / Elizabeth Maier
  • Women's daily mobility at the U.S.-Mexico border region / Ellen R. Hansen
  • Abortion in a transborder context / Norma Ojeda
  • The changing gender composition of the Maquiladora workforce along the U.S.-Mexico border / Susan Tiano
  • The roots of autonomy through work participation in the northern Mexico border region / Ana Bergareche
  • Domestic service and international networks of caring labor / Doreen J. Mattingly
  • Mexican women's activism in New Mexico colonias / Rebecca Dolhinow
  • Styles, strategies, and issues of women leaders at the border / Irasema Coronado
  • Border women's NGOs and political participation in Baja California / Silvia López Estrada
  • "Making believe" and "willing partners" in academics' activism in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands / Patricia Manning, with Janice Monk and Catalina Denman.