Tabla de Contenidos:
  • State and society in early modern Austria / R.J.W. Evans
  • Religion in the Counter-Reformation : Introduction / Paula Sutter Fichtner. Confessional absolutism in the Habsburg lands in the seventeenth century / Robert Birely. Delayed confessionalization: retarding factors and religious minorities in the territories of the Holy Roman Empire, 1555-1648 / Anton Schindling. The Jews and the emperors / R. Po-chia Hsia
  • Government and culture during the Baroque : Introduction / Nicolette Mout. The imperial Hofburg: the theory and practice of architectural representation in Baroque Vienna / Helmut Lorenz. Status as commodity: the Habsburg economy of privilege / John P. Spielman. Public opinion and the phenomenon of Sozialdisziplinierung in the Habsburg monarchy / Karl Vocelka
  • Government and economy : Introduction / Herman Freudenberger. Between East and West: Lower Austria's Noble Grundherrschaft, 1550-1750 / Herbert Knittler. Between mercantilism and physiocracy: stages, modes, and functions of economic theory in the Habsburg monarchy, 1748-63 / Grete Klingenstein. Austria and European economic development: what has been learned? / John Komlos
  • Government and the people during the Aufklärung : Introduction / James Van Horn Melton. Poverty and poor relief in the eighteenth century / Paul P. Bernard. "Libertas commerciorum" or "moral economy": the Austrian Vorlande in the famine of the 1770's / Georg Schmidt
  • Foreign policy : Introduction / Charles W. Ingrao. International relations, the law of nations, and the Germanies: structures and changes in the second half of the seventeenth century / Heinz Duchhardt. Austria and the rise of Brandenburg-Prussia / Volker Press. Reform and diplomacy in the eighteenth-century Habsburg monarchy / Karl A. Roider, Jr.