Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Context, construction and ritual in the development of authority at Chavín de Huántar / John W. Rick
  • The architecture at the monumental center of Chavín de Huántar : sequence, transformations and chronology / Silvia Rodriguez Kembel
  • The Manchay culture and the coastal inspiration for highland Chavín civilization / Richard L. Burger and Lucy C. Salazar
  • Context and contents of early Chavín art / Henning Bischof
  • The importance of Pacopampa : architecture and iconography in the central Andean formative / Daniel Morales Chocano
  • The original context of the Yauya stela / Richard Burger
  • How to build a raptor : why the Dumbarton Oaks "scaled cayman" Callango textile is really a Chavín jaguaroid harpy eagle / Peter G. Roe
  • The body of meaning in Chavín art / Gary Urton
  • Chavín's psychoactive pharmacopoeia : the iconographic evidence / Constantino Manuel Torres
  • The culture of Chavín textiles / William J. Conklin
  • The felicitous legacy of the Lanzón / Tom Cummins.