Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Conceptual issues in Mesoamerican pottery economics / Christopher A. Pool and George J. Bey
  • An ethnoarchaeological perspective on local ceramic production and distribution in the Maya Highlands / Michael Deal
  • Why was the potter's wheel rejected? Social choice and technological change in Ticul, Yucatán, Mexico / Dean E. Arnold, Jill Huttar Wilson, and Alvaro L. Nieves
  • Ceramic production at La Joya, Veracruz: early formative techno logics and error loads / Philip J. Arnold
  • Blanco Levantado: a new world amphora / George J. Bey
  • Pottery production and distribution in the Gulf lowlands of Mesoamerica / Barbara L. Stark
  • Household production and the regional economy in ancient Oaxaca: classic period perspectives from Hilltop El Palmillo and Valley-Floor Ejutla / Gary M. Feinman and Linda M. Nicholas
  • Pots, sherds, and glyphs: pottery production and exchange in the Petexbatun Polity, Petén, Guatemala / Antonia E. Foias and Ronald L. Bishop
  • Aztec Otumba, AD 1200-1600: patterns of the production, distribution, and consumption of ceramic products / Thomas H. Charlton [and others].