Tabla de Contenidos:
  • pt. 1: General introduction to the book of Daniel
  • The text
  • Language
  • Composition
  • The genre and setting of the tales
  • The genre of the visions
  • The setting of the visions
  • pt. 2: The history of interpretation
  • The Jewish tradition
  • The Christian tradition
  • The influence of Daniel on the New Testament
  • Postbiblical developments
  • Commentary
  • 1: Exiles at the royal court
  • 2. Nebuchadnezzar's dream
  • Excursus: The four kingdoms
  • 3. The fiery furnace
  • Appendix: The prayer of Azariah and the son of the three young men
  • 4. Nebuchadnezzar's madness
  • 5. Belshazzar's feast
  • 6. The lion's den
  • 7. The beasts from the sea, the ancient of days, and the "one like a human being"
  • Excursus: "One like a human being"
  • Excursus: "Holy ones"
  • 8. The ram and the he-goat
  • 9. Seventy weeks of years
  • Chapters 10
  • 12: The final revelation
  • 10. The vision by the river
  • 11. Hellenistic history
  • 12. The resurrection
  • Excursus: On resurrection
  • Bel and the serpent
  • Susanna.