Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction / Robert Maltby
  • The qualification of personal names by possessive adjectives in Cicero's letters / Frédérique Biville
  • Personal names and invective in Cicero / Javier Uría
  • Tibullus' Nemesis: divine retribution and the poet / Emma Stafford
  • Naming names
  • or not: some significant choices and suppressions in Latin poetry / Joan Booth
  • The nomenclature of the Tiber in Virgil's Aeneid / Francis Cairns
  • Autnomasia and metonymy in the preom to Virgil's Georgics / Helen Peraki-Kyriakidou
  • From the Metamorphoses to the Fasti: catalogues of proper names / Stratis Kyriakidid
  • Bilingual word-play on personal names in Martial / Daniel Vallat
  • Onomato-poetics: a linear reading of Martial 7.67-70 / Niklas Holzberg
  • Proper names as a linking device in Martial 5.43-8 / Robert Maltby
  • Naming the characters: the cases of Aristomenes, Socrates and Meroe in Apuleius' Metamorphoses 1.2-19 / Andreas Michalopoulos.