Tabla de Contenidos:
  • v. 1 Introduction / Jordi Ferrer, Maria Iglesias
  • Building the European polity: towards a multicultural model of integration? / Neus Torbisco
  • Prospects for multiethnic democracy in Europe: debating minority integration in Estonia / Vello Pettai
  • Multimoralism and multiculturalism: some reflections on a proposal of Martín D. Farrell / Maria Laura Tasso
  • Disagreement and democracy: from vote to deliberation and back again? The move toward deliberative "voting ethics" / Samantha Besson
  • The democratic European state: republicanism and deliberative democracy / José Luis Martí Mármol
  • Democracy and information: the perspective of Jeremy Bentham's political panopticism / Guillaume Tusseau
  • Citizenship, nationalism and the European Union / Nick W. Barber
  • European Citizens: rights and identities / Maribel Narváez Mora
  • Epilogue / Paolo Comanducci, José Juan Moreso
  • v. 2 Introduction / Jordi Ferrer Beltrán, Maribel Narváez Mora
  • Constitution and democracy in the European construction process. Regarding some reflections by Jürgen Habermas / Isabel Mansilla
  • The role of rationality in judicial argumentation / Giorgio Maniaci
  • Legislation, adjudication and justification / Ofer Raban
  • Legal reasoning and plurality of values: axio-teleological conflicts of norms / Véronique Champeil-Desplats
  • Interpretation and judicial discretion / Isabel Lifante Vidal
  • Iura Novit Curia, law crisis and the European building process / Gema Marcilla Córdoba
  • Sovereignty, legal pluralism and fundamental rights, Italian jurisprudence and European integration (1964-1973) / Guilio Itzcovich
  • Human rights protection in European community law: the problem of standards / Josh Holmes
  • Right to proof and rationality of judicial decisions / Jordi Ferrer Beltrán
  • Proving intention
  • some general remarks / Francesca Poggi
  • v. 3 Introduction / Susanna Pozzolo
  • Scientific expertise and judicial decision making: comparative insights / Olivier Leclerc
  • Some preliminary questions concerning human cloning / Paolo Donadoni
  • Some comments on the law of biomedical research / Pascal Lokiec
  • Paternalism and bioethics / Macario Alemany
  • Medical care and patients' decision making: the building of the options in a situation of dependency / Silvina Alvarez
  • Is there a right to health care? / Pablo de Lora
  • Do the poor have the duty to obey the law? / Paula Gaido
  • Poverty and protection of constitutional liberties: two irreconcilable perspectives? Freedom from poverty as a fundamental right / Susanna Pozzolo
  • Poverty and humanity: individual duties and the moral point of view / Marisa Iglesias Vila
  • Poverty as failed exercise of rights? Some theoretical problems / Francesco Biondo
  • Poverty and access to justice: rethinking legal aid models / Isabel Fanlo Cortés
  • Rights and borders. Alienage as an immutable characteristic: current practices on alien exclusion under scrutiny / Victoria Roca
  • HIV status in Hungarian law and practice; immigration, social care, education, and employment / Eszter Csernus.