Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Postmodernism(s) / Cristina Degli-Esposti
  • The Player's parody of Hollywood: a different kind of suture / Cynthia Baron
  • Intertextual maneuvers around the subaltern: Aladdin as a postmodern text / Marwan M. Kraidy
  • Of mice and Bart: the Simpsons and the postmodern / David Weinstein
  • Reification and loss in postmodern puberty: the cultural logic of Fredric Jameson and American youth movies / Timothy Shary
  • Refiguring pleasure: Itami and the postmodern Japanese film / John Bruns
  • De-authorizing the auteur: postmodern politics of interpellation in contemporary European cinema / Rosanna Maule
  • Postmodernist condition in post-socialist Eastern European films: the case of a political pastiche and the socialist-Hollywood thriller in recent films of Polish filmmakers / Janina Falkowska
  • E.M. Forster's anti-touristic tourism and the sightseeing gaze of cinema / Ellen Strain
  • Imaginary geographies: the colonial subject in contemporary French cinema / Christine Bolus-Reichert
  • Decapitated spectators: Barton Fink, (post)history, and cinematic pleasure / Barry Laga
  • Something like autobiography in Akira Kurosawa's Dreams / Marshall Deutelbaum
  • Not waving but drowning by numbers: Peter Greenaway's cautionary tale / Philip Holden-Moses
  • A double voice: the dual paternity of Querelle / Mary M. Wiles.