Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Occupation and co-existence: the impact of Macedon on Athens, 323-307 / Peter Green 1
  • Plutarch's Phocion: melodrama of mob and elite in occupied Athens / Robert Lamberton 8
  • Why did Athens lose the Lamian War? / Brian Bosworth 14
  • Antipater and Athens / Elizabeth Baynham 23
  • Lamia and the Besieger: an Athenian hetaera and a Macedonian king / Patrick Wheatley 30
  • Aristotle and Alexander: on the gradual deterioration of their relationship / Emmanuel Microyannakis 37
  • Oligarchy at Athens after the Lamian War: epigraphic evidence for the Boule and the Ekklesia / Graham J. Oliver 40
  • Athens after the Chremonidean War: some second thoughts / Christian Habicht 52
  • Antigonos Gonatas, King of Athens / Stephen V. Tracy 56
  • The date and context of divine honours for Antigonos Gonatas
  • a suggestion / Ioanna Kralli 61
  • Shadowland: Athens under Antigonos Gonatas and his successor / Michael J. Osborne 67
  • Macedonians at Eleusis in the early third century / Kevin Clinton 76
  • Macedonians and anti-Macedonians in early Hellenistic Athens: reflections on [characters not reproducible] / Manuela Mari 82
  • The Philipeion and fourth-century Athenian architecture / Rhys F. Townsend 93
  • Athens and Macedonian royalty on Samothrace: the Pentelic connection / Bonna D. Wescoat 102
  • Athenian anti-Macedonian sentiment and democratic ideology in Attic document reliefs in the second half of the fourth century B.C. / Carol L. Lawton 117
  • [characters not reproducible] / Iphigeneia Leventi 128
  • The impact of Ares Macedon on Athenian sculpture / Olga Palagia 140
  • Cape Sounion and the Macedonian occupation / Hans R. Goette 152
  • Macedonian dedications on the Akropolis / Petros Themelis 162
  • Tradition and innovation: portraits and dedications on the early Hellenistic Akropolis / Ralf von den Hoff 173
  • Kephisodotos the Younger / Peter Schultz 186
  • Liberation honors: Athenian monuments from Antigonid victories in their immediate and broader contexts / Thomas M. Brogan 194
  • The evidence of Athenian coins / John H. Kroll 206
  • Minima macedonica / Susan I. Rotroff 213
  • Gilded pottery and golden jewellery / Dyfri Williams 226
  • Allusions to mythological sites in Macedonia in the vase-painting of the late fourth century B.C., the satirical drama and Aristotle / Stephi Korti-Konti 236
  • Panathenaic Games and Panathenaic amphorae under Macedonian rule / Judith M. Barringer 243.