Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Chapter 1. People or Nature: The Myths of Conservation and their Victims in Southern Mexico; Witold Jacorzynski Chapter 2. Utría National Park: A Case Study in Protected Areas' Impact on Local Communities; M. Benjamin Vivas Chapter 3. Conservation Policies and Indigenous Rights in Chile; Milka Castro Lucic Chapter 4. Conservation, Privatization of Land and Displacement in Tanzania; D.K. Ndagala Chapter 5. Unsettling Realities: Pastoral Land Rights and Conservation in East Africa; John G. Galaty Chapter 6. Poverty, People, Progress and Parks: A Case Study of the Proposed 'Disneyfication' of an African Landscape; Anthony R. Turton and Cheyanne A. Church Chapter 7. Tensions in Rural Land Use, Settlement, Migration and Leisure in Scotland, 1750-1900; Neil Summerton Chapter 8. Highland Sardinians and their Environment; Philip Carl Salzman Chapter 9. What about the Women? Another Perspective on the National Park Debate in Highland Sardinia; L.M. Edelsward Chapter 10. Local People's Participation in Jordanian Protected Areas: Learning from our Mistakes; Chris Johnson and Tariq Abul Hawa Chapter 11. Forced Occupations and Settlement of Forest Dwelling Tribes: A Study in a Wildlife Sanctuary in South India; C.R. Sathyanarayanan Chapter 12. From Shifting Cultivation to Settled Cash Crop Plantations: Displacement and Improverishment of the Ibans in Sarawak, Malaysia; Jayantha Perera