Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Intro
  • Contents
  • List of Illustrations
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Catalogue Of Food Plants Of The Sonoran Desert
  • Gymnosperms
  • Ephedraceae. Ephedra or Mormon-tea Family
  • Angiosperms: Mono Cots
  • Agavaceae. Agave or Century-plant Family
  • Alismataceae. Water-plantain Family
  • Arecaceae. Palm Family
  • Commelinaceae. Spiderwort Family
  • Cyperaceae. Sedge Family
  • Dioscoreaceae. Yam Family
  • Liliaceae. Lily Family
  • Nolinaceae. Bear-grass Family
  • Poaceae. Grass Family
  • Typhaceae. Cattail Family
  • Zosteraceae. Eel-grass Family
  • Angiosperms: Dicots
  • Acanthaceae. Acanthus Family
  • Aizoaceae. Aizoon, Mesem, or fig-marigold Family
  • Amaranthaceae. Amaranth Family
  • Anacardiaceae. Cashew or Sumac Family
  • Apocynaceae. Dogbane Family
  • Asclepiadaceae. Milkweed Family
  • Asteraceae. Aster Family
  • Bataceae. Saltwort Family
  • Begoniaceae. Begonia Family
  • Berberidaceae. Barberry Family
  • Bixaceae. Lipsticktree Family
  • Bombacaceae. Cottontree or Kapok-tree Family
  • Boraginaceae. Borage Family
  • Brassicaceae. Mustard Family
  • Burseraceae. Torchwood or Frankincense Family
  • Cactaceae. Cactus Family
  • Capparaceae. Caper Family
  • Caprifoliaceae. Honeysuckle Family
  • Celastraceae. Stafftree or Bittersweet Family
  • Chenopodiaceae. Goosefoot Family
  • Convolvulaceae. Morning-glory Family
  • Crassulaceae. Stonecrop Family
  • Cucurbitaceae. Gourd Famil
  • Ebenaceae. Persimmon or Ebony Family
  • Euphorbiaceae. Spurge Family
  • Fabaceae. Pea or Legume Family
  • Fagaceae. Beech Family
  • Fouquieriaceae. Ocotillo Family
  • Geraniaceae. Geranium Family
  • Juglandaceae. Walnut Family
  • Koeberliniaceae. Junco Family
  • Lamiaceae. Mint Family
  • Lennoaceae. Lennoa Family
  • Loasaceae. Stickleaf or Blazing-star Family
  • Malpighiaceae. Malpighia or Barbados-cherry Family
  • Malvaceae. Mallow Family
  • Martyniaceae. Unicorn Family
  • Moraceae. Mulberry Family
  • Nyctaginaceae. Four-o'clock Family
  • Orobanchaceae. Broom-rape Family
  • Oxalidaceae. Woodsorrel Family
  • Passifloraceae. Passion-flower Family
  • Phytolaccaceae. Pokeberry or Pokeweed Family
  • Plantaginaceae. Plantain Family
  • Polygonaceae. Buckwheat Family
  • Portulacaceae. Purslane Family
  • Resedaceae. Mignonette Family
  • Rhamnaceae. Buckthorn Family
  • Rhizophoraceae. Red Mangrove Family
  • Rosaceae. Rose Family
  • Rubiaceae. Madder Family
  • Sapotaceae. Sapote or Sapodilla Family
  • Simmondsiaceae. Jojoba Family
  • Solanaceae. Nightshade or Potato Family
  • Sterculiaceae. Chocolate or Cacao Family
  • Theophrastaceae. Theophrasta Family
  • Ulmaceae. Elm Family
  • Verbenaceae. Vervain or Verbena Family
  • Viscaceae. Mistletoe or Christmas Mistletoe Family
  • Vitaceae. Grape Family
  • Appendixes
  • Appendix I. Plant Species and Parts Used
  • Appendix II. Fruiting Periods of Selected Species Providing Edible Fruit
  • Appendix III. Fruiting Periods of Selected Species Providing Edible Seeds
  • Appendix IV. Common Names (Non-English)