Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; Introduction; Part 1: SOCIAL AND CULTURAL MINORITIES IN CHANGING SOCIETIES; The Converso Condition: New Approaches to an Old Question; Speaking through Many Voices: Polyphony in the Writings of Teresa de Cartagena; Chains of Iron, Gold and Devotion: Images of Earthly and Divine Justice in the Memorias of Doña Leonor López de Córdoba; Part 2: CONTACT AND CONFLICT: PERSPECTIVES ON HISTORY AND CULTURE; Visigoths and Asturians Reinterpreted: The Spanish Grand Narrative Restored?; Against the Arabs: Propaganda and Paradox in Medieval Castile.
  • Conquest and Conversion in the Hispanic Chivalric Romance: The Case of Reinaldos de MontalvánPart 3: TRANSMISSION OF LEARNING AND TEXTS IN CHANGING CULTURES; Hermes Trismegistus in General Estoria II; Pharmaceutical Fictions: Celestina's Laboratory and the Sixteenth-Century Medical Imaginary; Spanish and Portuguese Scholars at the University of Paris in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries: The Exchange of Ideas and Texts; The Primary Audience and Contexts of Reception of Thirteenth-Century Castilian cuaderna vía Poetry; Editorial Interference in Amadís de Gaula and Sergas de Esplandián.
  • Part 4: LINGUISTIC CONTACT AND CHANGEPerils of Speaking of Orígenes de la lengua; Aspects of Official Language Usage in Castile and León: Latin and the Vernacular in the Early Thirteenth Century; Considering Paradigmatic Factors in the Reduction of Old Spanish sodes sois; INDEX.