Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction: The miracle of imagining / Peter Gratton and John Panteleimon Manoussakis
  • Part 1. The dialogical imaginary. On stories and mourning / Paul Ricoeur
  • Terror and religion / Jacques Derrida
  • On social imaginaries / Charles Taylor
  • Ethics of narration / Martha Nussbaum
  • Intellectuals and ideology / Noam Chomsky
  • Part 2. The political imaginary. Intellectual adventures in the Isles: Kearney and the Ireland peace process / Dennis Dworkin
  • Reimagining Ireland, Britain, and Europe / James M. Smith
  • Traumatized sovereignty / Anne O'Byrne
  • Imaginings, narratives, and otherness: on diacritical hermeneutics / John Rundell
  • "I tell you no lie": truth commissions and narrative / Jerry Burke
  • Part 3. The narrative imaginary. Double trouble: narrative imagination as a carnival dragon / David Wood
  • Heretic adventures / Terry Eagleton
  • Beyond postmodernism: reflections on Richard Kearney's trilogy / Jeffrey A. Barash
  • On the role of the oneiric in testimonial narrative / Eileen Rizo-Patron
  • Truth, ethics, and narrative imagination: Kearney and the postmodern challenge / Mark Dooley
  • Afterword: Traversals and epiphanies in Joyce and Proust / Richard Kearney.