Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""CONTENTS""; ""ACKNOWLEDGMENTS""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""1 Charity, Poverty, and Liminality in the Lazarillo""; ""Lepers and Liminality""; ""Mid-Sixteenth-Century Debates on Poverty: Soto versus Robles""; ""Textual Tensions: The Lazarillo's Ambiguity""; ""2 The Poor in Spain: Confinement and Control""; ""Secularization and Social Containment""; ""Miguel de Giginta's Synchretic Reform Movement""; ""Cristóbal Pérez de Herrera: Beyond Centralized Confinement""; ""3 The Picaresque as Pharmakos""
  • ""Alemán's Critique of State, González de Cellorigo's Restauración de Estado, and the Doctrine of Free Will""""The Guzmán de Alfarache's Defence of Mercantilism""; ""Rhetoric and the Role of the Reader in the Picaresque""; ""4 Textualizing the Other's Body""; ""Scatology and the Social Body in Quevedo's Buscón""; ""PÃcaras as Prostitutes""; ""Misogyny, Male Voice-Over, and Female Enclosure in the Female Picaresque""; ""5 From PÃcaro to Soldier""; ""The 'Other' and the Military Revolution""; ""PÃcaros' Lives, Soldiers' Tales""
  • ""The Road to Flanders: Alonso de Contreras, Estebanillo González, and the End of the Picaresque""""NOTES""; ""WORKS CITED""; ""INDEX""; ""A""; ""B""; ""C""; ""D""; ""E""; ""F""; ""G""; ""H""; ""I""; ""J""; ""K""; ""L""; ""M""; ""N""; ""O""; ""P""; ""Q""; ""R""; ""S""; ""T""; ""U""; ""V""; ""W""; ""Y""; ""Z""