Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Contents
  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • The Feminist Challenge to the Unions
  • Part One: Women on Strike
  • 1 The Eaton's Strike: We Wouldn't Have Missed It for the World!
  • 2 Alberta Nurses and the 'Illegal' Strike of 1988
  • 3 Reflections on Life Stories: Women's Bank Union Activism
  • Part Two: The Politics of Gender within the Union Movement
  • 4 Union Women and Separate Organizing
  • 5 Trade Union Leadership: Sexism and Affirmative Action
  • 6 Women Working for Unions: Female Staff and the Politics of Transformation
  • 7 Black Women Speak Out: Racism and Unions8 Unionism and Feminism in the Canadian Auto Workers Union, 1961-1992
  • Part Three: Unions and Women Workers
  • 9 Patterns of Unionization
  • 10 Collective Bargaining and Women's Workplace Concerns
  • 11 The Gendered Dimension of Labour Law: Why Women Need Inclusive Unionism and Broader-Based Bargaining
  • 12 Can a Disappearing Pie be Shared Equally?: Unions, Women, and Wage 'Fairness'
  • 13 Unions and Women's Occupational Health in Québec
  • 14 From the DEW Line: The Experience of Canadian Garment Workers
  • 15 Professions, Unions, or What?: Learning from Nurses
  • Part Four: Studying Women and Unions
  • 16 A View from Outside the Whale: The Treatment of Women and Unions in Industrial Relations
  • Authors