Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Paying the inequity tax / Jennifer Bankier
  • A nurse educator's experience in Academia / Suzan Banoub-Baddour
  • Women in Canadian universities: an insider's view from outside; an outsider's view from inside / Helen J. Brelauer
  • "Bend and you will be whole": women in Canadian university executive suites / dianne L. Common
  • Dare to be brave: stand up for yourself / Lillian Eva dyck
  • No welcome for a woman: seeking colleagues in a cold climate / Ellen E. Facey
  • Part-time language teachers in the academic tundra / Wendy Feldberg
  • Sickness, health, and contract employment / Shannon a. Gadbois
  • Perspectives from a woman's place / Jane Gordon
  • Everyday discrimination: we know how and when, but never why / Fyre Jean Graveline
  • Transforming at the margins of the academy / Joyce Green
  • The wandering wombs: women faculty empower themselves through friendship / Mary Ricklos Hampton and Peggy Wilson.
  • Doing the tango in the Canadian academic tundra: keep those feet moving fast / Elena R. Hannah
  • When life gets in the way of life: work/family conflicts cong academic women and men / Lesley D. Harman and Petra Remy
  • On being a lady professor / Alison Hayford
  • A wedding and two funerals / Diane Huberman-Arnold
  • Managing Men-in-skirts / Martha Keniston Laurence /
  • Disadvantaged? Not I! / Anne M. Lavack
  • Teaching doesn't count / Bluma Litner
  • Downsize this ... and this and this: women and academic hiring / Jeannette Lynes
  • Don't let them know you care / Harriet D. Lyons
  • An alternative vision: creating a life vitae / Geraldine (Jody) Macdonald
  • a different balance / Jennifer Mather
  • Why I didn't have time to write this article / Denise S. McConney
  • An academic life as I have experienced it / Susan McCorquodale
  • Equity coordinator: change agent in an unyielding power structure / Shahrzad Mojab.
  • On being homeless: aboringal experiences of academic spaces / patricia D. Monture-Angus
  • Biologist from birth: mother by instinct / Anne Morgan
  • women on campus: mosaic myth of melting pot reality? / Maxine C. Mott
  • What's a girl like you doing in a nice place like this? Mothering in the academy / Andrea O'Reilly
  • McTeaching/ Marianne D. Parson
  • some stones and some mountains / Linda Joan Paul
  • Princesses and physicists: how women in the lab shattered my stereotypes / Amy Rowat
  • Different parts of the margin / Joan Scott. The new roads scholar or the effect of pypergyny on universities / Stevi (M.E.) Stephens
  • Left out in the cold ... Who? Me? / Carol Stos
  • A few things learned / marilyn Taylor
  • Pioneering at the end of the Twentieth Century / Dorothy R. Tovell
  • Happy people have no story? / Cécyle Trépanier
  • And the wisdom to know the difference / Susan M. Turner
  • If you are dumped on, it is not all bad / Sawni Vathamany-Globus.
  • Science and business: two working lives compared / Irene Wanke and Peter Bowal
  • Largesse: Gains and losses in the classroom / Deborah Wills
  • "To everything there is a season" / Susan Wilson
  • Postgraduate journal: blood, sweat, and tears / N. Rochelle Yamagishi.