Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction : Jews and antisemitism in central European culture
  • The ethnic cauldron of the Habsburg empire
  • Adolf Fischof and the tragedy of liberalism
  • Austro-Marxist interpretations of the "Jewish Question"
  • Rosa Luxemburg, Polish socialism, and the Bund
  • The strange odyssey of Nathan Birnbaum
  • Max Nordau : from "degeneration" to "muscular Judaism"
  • Friedrich Nietzsche, Germany, and the Jewish "Superman"
  • Theodor Herzl : artist, politician, and social utopian
  • In the footsteps of "King Messiah"
  • The last testament of Dr. Sigmund Freud
  • Stefan Zweig and the "World of yesterday"
  • Karl Kraus : an anatomy of self-hatred
  • Karl Lueger and Catholic judeophobia in Austria
  • Adolf Hitler : the making of an antisemite.