Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Manning the posts: classic noir, postclassic noir, and postmodernism
  • Sexing the paradigm: women and men in noir
  • Racing the paradigm: the whiteness of film noir
  • The killers (1946): quintessential noir?
  • Out of the past (1947): passive masculinity and active femininities
  • Kiss me deadly (1955): apocalyptic femmes
  • L.A. confidential (1997) and Casablanca (1942): does anything change as time goes by?
  • Mulholland Falls (1996): nuclear noir as numbskull noir
  • Fight club (1999): retro-noir masquerades as neo-noir
  • Twilight (1998): age, beauty, and star power: survival of the fittest
  • Fargo (1996): a woman who is not herself mean: snow-swept highways and Margie
  • Jackie brown (1997): gender, race, class, and genre
  • Conclusion: Doing it for bell: cultural criticism and social change.