Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Anatomy of Egypt's militant Islamic groups : methodological notes and preliminary findings / International Journal of Middle East Studies 12, 1980
  • An Islamic alternative in Egypt : the Muslim brotherhood and Sadat / Arab Studies Quarterly 4, 1981
  • Islamic activism and political opposition in Egypt / Presented to the seminar on Aspects of Egyptian Development, Center for Development Research, Copenhagen, June 1990
  • The changing face of Egypt's Islamic activism / Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies, Cairo, May 1995
  • Cairo : a sociological profile / "The Middle East city : ancient traditions confront a modern world", ed. Abdulaziz Y. Saqqaf, New York : Paragon House, Inc., 1987
  • Egypt's landed bourgeoisie / "Developmentalism and beyond : society and politics in Egypt and Turkey", eds. Ayse Öncü, Çaglar Keyder, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Cairo : The American University in Cairo Press, 1994
  • Governance and structural adjustment : the Egyptian case / Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies, Cairo, November 1994
  • Management and mismanagement of diversity : the case of ethnic conflict and state-building in the Arab world / The International Spectator 30, 1994
  • The vindication of Sadat in the Arab world / The Washington Institute of Policy Series, Research Memorandum 22, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, October 1995
  • Grassroots development in Egypt / Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies, Cairo, August 1993
  • Civil society and prospects of democratization in the Arab world / "Civil society in the Middle East, ed. Richard Augustis Norton, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1995
  • Revisiting Egypt, Islam, and democracy : a note from prison / Tora Farm prison, Cairo, September 2001.