Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Narrative interruptions of panic : reverse acculturation in the early African American fiction of William Wells Brown and Harriet Wilson
  • Miscegenated whiteness : Rebecca Harding Davis, the "civil-izing war," and "female racism"
  • "Corporeal suspicion" : the missing crimes of neoabolitionist rape culture in Pauline Hopkins's detective histories
  • Unacquiring Negrophobia : Younghill Kang and the cosmopolitan resistance to the white logic of naturalization
  • Dis-integrating third spaces : the unrepresented in Abraham Cahan's and Mary Antin's narratives of Americanization
  • White dissolution : homosexualization and racial masculinity in white life novels
  • Queer Aztlan, mestizing "white" queer theory : Arturo Islas's The rain god.