Tabla de Contenidos:
  • In search of the double-edged sword / Paul de Beer
  • Basic income and its cognates: partial basic income versus earned income tax credit and reductions of Social Security contributions as alternative ways of addressing the 'new social question' / Philippe van Parijs, Laurence Jacquet and Claudio Caesar Salinas
  • Activation and the burden of working: on instrument choice by a responsibility-sensitive egalitarian government / Frank Vandenbroucke and Tom Van Puyenbroeck
  • Arguing for a negative income tax in Germany / Joachim Mitschke
  • Hush money or emancipation fee? A gender analysis of basic income / Ingrid Robeyns
  • Prospects for basic income in an age of inactivity? / Anton Hemerijk
  • Basic income and social Europe / Fritz W. Scharpf
  • Basic income at the heart of social Europe? Reply to Fritz Scharpf / Philippe Van Parijs
  • European basic income or the race to the bottom: why politicians might come to think the unthinkable / Steve Quilley.