
Breaking the South Slav dream : the rise and fall of Yugoslavia /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Hudson, Kate, 1958-
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: London ; Sterling, VA : Pluto Press, 2003.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introduction
  • 1 The first Yugoslavia: origins and problems
  • Yugoslavism and the origins of the state
  • The war and its outcome
  • Economic challenges in nation- building
  • Political challenges in nation- building
  • Peasants and communists
  • Absolute rule
  • 2 The Second World War
  • The eve of war
  • Division and occupation
  • Resistance
  • The cost of the war
  • 3 The Tito years
  • Establishing the new state
  • The split with the Soviet Union
  • Self- management
  • Non- alignment
  • Nations and constitutions
  • Reasserting communist authority.
  • 4 Economic assault: the 1980s and the US drive for a free market
  • Economic instability
  • Political instability
  • The question of Kosovo
  • Milosevic
  • 5 Crisis response
  • Political change in Slovenia
  • Multi- party elections
  • Breakdown
  • Slovenian secession
  • 6 War: the first wave Croatia
  • International interests
  • Conflict with the JNA
  • Negotiation and recognition
  • 7 War: the second wave Bosnia
  • The question of Islam
  • The build- up to war
  • The war begins
  • The final stages
  • The Dayton Accords
  • 8 War: the third wave Kosovo
  • The KLA and the move towards war.
  • Rambouillet and the legality of the attack
  • The NATO bombardment
  • Kosovo after the war
  • 9 Bringing down Milosevic and what came after
  • Politics in Serbia
  • The presidential election of 2000
  • Macedonia and Montenegro
  • 10 Victors justice?? The trial of Slobodan Milosevic
  • The charges
  • Background
  • The trial
  • Racak
  • Rambouillet
  • An insider witness
  • Notes
  • Index
  • Abdic, Fikret 117-18
  • Abyssinia 16
  • agriculture
  • 15
  • 17
  • 37-8
  • 46-7
  • aid
  • 39
  • 40
  • 42
  • 46
  • 49
  • 57
  • conditionality 148
  • conditionality 158
  • conditionality 159.
  • Conditionality 160-1
  • Akashi, Yasushi 118
  • Albania
  • 8
  • 27
  • 29
  • 44
  • 65
  • 66
  • 82
  • refugee crisis 134
  • Albanians
  • 64
  • 65
  • 70
  • 74
  • 79
  • 108
  • 149-50
  • 151
  • Albright, Madeline
  • 126
  • 127
  • 128
  • 129
  • Aldcroft, D.H.
  • 18
  • 58
  • Alexander I
  • 13
  • 23-4
  • Allcock, John B. 3
  • Almond, Mark 96
  • aluminium
  • 16
  • 17
  • Anderson, Perry 112
  • Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia [AVNOJ]
  • 34-7
  • 38
  • 40
  • 41
  • 47
  • anti-semitism
  • 27-8
  • 30
  • 79
  • antimony 17
  • arms embargo
  • 99-100
  • 110
  • 118
  • Ashdown, Lord Paddy.
  • 121-2
  • 164-5
  • Associated Labour Paradigm 60
  • Auschwitz 30
  • Austria
  • 11
  • 91
  • 92
  • 113
  • 152-3
  • Austro-Hungarian Empire
  • 8
  • 10
  • 11-12
  • Autonomous Province of Western Bosnia 117
  • Autonomous Region of Krajina
  • 84
  • 85
  • 90
  • Auty, Phyllis
  • 29
  • 34
  • Avramovic, Dragoslav 148
  • Badinter Commission
  • 88
  • 100-1
  • 102
  • 110
  • 111
  • Baker, James
  • 86
  • 102
  • Balkan Entente 26
  • Balkanization
  • 2
  • 8
  • 25
  • 29-30
  • 75
  • 88
  • 153
  • Banking Law [1989] 61
  • Batic, Vladan
  • 159
  • 160
  • bauxite 17
  • Belgrade
  • 12
  • 29
  • 37
  • 99
  • 142-3.