Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Part I: Leading toward Settlement
  • 1. Thinking the Unthinkable
  • 2. Why Matt Myers?
  • 3. Sinking the Unthinkable
  • 4. The Search for Common Ground Begins
  • 5. Why Stan Glantz and Julia Carol?
  • 6. "Everyone" Agreed!
  • 7. The Real Leadership?
  • 8. A Suspect Consensus
  • 9. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
  • 10. Day One: Four Meetings, Two Directions
  • 11. One Stays, One Stays Out
  • Part II: The Settlement
  • 12. Progress
  • 13. Betrayed?
  • 14. Slings and Arrows
  • 15. With Friends Like These ...
  • 16. The Line Hardens
  • 17. A Divorce in the Family
  • 18. The Nicotine Fix
  • 19. "I Say It's Immunity, and I Say the Hell with It!"
  • 20. "When to Walk Away"
  • 21. The Two Ks to the Rescue
  • 22. The Deal Is Struck-and Stricken
  • Part III: The Rise and Fall of the McCain Bill
  • 23. The Struggle for Clinton's Nod
  • 24. Unity under Clinton's Umbrella?
  • 25. Things Fall Apart-the Center Cannot Hold
  • 26. The Moving Kessler-Koop Line
  • 27. The All-Inclusive Anti-Immunity Club
  • 28. McCain to the Rescue
  • 29. A Cliffhanger on Liability
  • 30. Not Good Enough
  • 31. Worse Than Nothing!
  • 32. Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner
  • 33. The Window of Opportunity Slams Shut
  • Part IV: Lessons from the Settlement and Its Aftermath
  • 34. What Was Gained? What Was Lost?
  • 35. And the Rest of the Globe?
  • 36. Thirteen Ways to Lead a Movement Backward
  • 37. The Wrong Leaders for the Right Moment
  • 38. Engaged in the Work of Democracy
  • Conclusion: With a Little Bit of Luck
  • Afterword: Lessons of the Tobacco Wars
  • Epilogue
  • Chronology of Key Events
  • Acknowledgments
  • Index.