Tabla de Contenidos:
  • 1. Lyric Vision: An Introduction / Anastasia-Erasmia Peponi
  • 2. Political and Dramatic Perspectives on Archaic Sculptures: Bacchylides' Fourth Dithyramb (Ode 18) and the Treasury of the Athenians in Delphi / Lucia Athanassaki
  • 3. The Fight of Telephus: Poetic Visions behind the Pergamon Frieze / Laura Lulli
  • 4. Choral Performance and Geometric Patterns in Epic Poetry and Iconographic Representations / Jesus Carruesco
  • 5. Making Monkeys: Archilochus frr. 185-187 w. in Performance / Deborah Steiner
  • 6. Observing Genre in Archaic Greek Skolia and Vase-Painting / Gregory S. Jones
  • 7.`Glancing Seductively through Windows': The Look of Praxilla fr. 8 (PMG 754) / Vanessa Cazzato
  • 8. How to Construct a Sympotic Space with Words / Jenny Strauss Clay
  • 9. Turning Sound into Sight in the Chorus' Entrance Song of Aeschylus' Seven against Thebes / Caroline Trieschnigg
  • 10. Light and Vision in Pindar's Olympian Odes: Interplays of Imagination and Performance / Michel Briand
  • 11. Visual Imagery in Parthenaic Song / Laura Swift
  • 12. The Amorous Gaze: A Poetic and Pragmatic Koine for Erotic Melos? / Claude Calame
  • 13. Visualizing the Cologne Sappho: Mental Imagery through Chorality, the Sun, and Orpheus / Anton Bierl
  • 14. Female Choruses and Gardens of Nymphs: Visualizing Chorality in Sappho / Katerina Ladianou
  • 15. Imagining Images: Anacreontea 16 and 17 / Ippokratis Kantzios.