
Transforming Henry James /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Otros Autores: De Biasio, Anna (Editor ), Despotopoulou, Anna (Editor ), Izzo, Donatella (Editor )
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars, 2013.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Machine generated contents note: pt. I Geographies of Memory and Belonging
  • ch. One Young Henry James: The Outsider / David McWhirter
  • ch. Two The Aliens: Italians (and James) in Italy and America / Martha Banta
  • ch. Three Manic James: The Early Letters and Roderick Hudson / Leland S. Person
  • ch. Four Rome as Pure Experience: Henry's and William's Early Letters / Susan Gunter
  • ch. Five Rome Changing: James's "Lugubrious Modern Capital" / Rosella Mamoli Zorzi
  • ch. Six Aftertastes of Ruin: Uncanny Sites of Memory in Henry James's Paris / J. Michelle Coghlan
  • pt. II Literary Tourism
  • ch. Seven The Author's House as Tourist Space / Anna De Biasio
  • ch. Eight Traveling with(in) the Master: Tourist Rhetoric in Henry James's Theory of Fiction / Carlo Martinez
  • ch. Nine The Real Fiction: Tourism, Modern Italy, and a "Conscious and Cultivated Credulity" / Tatiana Petrovich Njegosh
  • Ch. Ten "Specimens Indeed of Human Greed": The Museum of Popularity in "The Papers" / Gianna Fusco
  • pt. III Jamesian Friendship and Hospitality
  • ch. Eleven Henry James: c'est nous; Jamesian Afterlives, Part 2 / Julie Rivkin
  • ch. Twelve "We Shall Never Be Again as We Were." Friendship and Fiction in Henry James / Collin Meissner
  • ch. Thirteen Transforming Hospitality and Friendship in Henry James: From "A London Life" to The Awkward Age / Merle A. Williams
  • pt. IV Jamesian Sexualities
  • ch. Fourteen Verena Tarrant, Basil Ransom, and Compulsory Heterosexuality in The Bostonians / Pierre A. Walker
  • ch. Fifteen What Nanda Knew: A Truth not Universally Acknowledged in The Awkward Age / Alan M. Nadel
  • ch. Sixteen "If You've Had Your Woman, I've Had ... My Man": May Bartram's Ambivalence in "The Beast in the Jungle" / Leslie Petty
  • ch. Seventeen Hysteric Subjects in The Wings of the Dove / Beth S. Ash
  • Ch. Eighteen "The Dear Little Tobacconized Salon": Henrietta Reubell as Queer Salonniere in Henry James's Paris / Paul Fisher
  • pt. V Reframing James's Social World
  • ch. Nineteen The American's Options and Futures / Nan Z. Da
  • ch. Twenty Class Ties in "The Pupil" / Manuela Vastolo
  • ch. Twenty-One Value in James's "Paste" (1899): Understanding James as a Microsociologist / Maya Higashi Wakana
  • pt. VI Jamesian Narrative and Textuality
  • ch. Twenty-Two The Half-Life of Figures / Sheila Teahan
  • ch. Twenty-Three Disavowal and the Dialogic Late James Style / Christine McBride
  • ch. Twenty-Four The Mystery of Character and Jamesian Antipsychology: Bersani, Cameron, Ohi / Lee Mitchell
  • ch. Twenty-Five Textual Monuments / Crumbling Idols; or, What we never knew about Henry James (and never thought to ask) / Michael Anesko
  • ch. Twenty-Six "Extravagantly Colloquial": James's Oral Phase / Melanie H. Ross
  • pt. VII Visuality in/and Henry James
  • Ch. Twenty-Seven Transformation and Anamorphosis: Aspects of James's Late Artistic Vision in Relation to Holbein / Alex Dougherty
  • ch. Twenty-Eight "Born but Once": Photographic (Self-)Representations and the Sociocultural Investment of Singularity in Henry James's "The Real Thing" and "The Private Life" / Serena Fusco.