
Muhammad and the Origin of Islam in the Byzantine-Slavic Literary Context A Bibliographical History.

This bibliographic dictionary features an overview of medieval texts from the Eastern Orthodox world that discuss Muhammad, the Arabs, and the birth of Islam. These texts shed new light on interreligious polemics in the Middle Ages, previous studies of which have typically focused on texts written i...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Clasificación:Libro Electrónico
Autor principal: Brzozowska, Zofia A.
Otros Autores: J.Leszka, Mirosław, Wolińska, Teresa, Gucio, Katarzyna, Szuster-Tardi, Katarzyna
Formato: Electrónico eBook
Publicado: La Vergne : Jagiellonian University Press, 2022.
Colección:Byzantina Lodziensia.
Acceso en línea:Texto completo
Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Tile page
  • Editorial Page
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • List of Abbreviations
  • I. Ammonius, Relatio on the Slaughter of the Monks of Sinai and Rhaithou
  • II. John Malalas, Chronicle
  • III. The Lives of St. Symeon Stylites the Younger
  • IV. John Moschus, The Spiritual Meadow
  • V. Doctrina Iacobi
  • VI. Sophronius of Jerusalem, Synodical Letter
  • VII. The Quran
  • VIII. The Martyrdom of St. Arethas
  • IX. The Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius
  • X. Anastasius of Sinai, Questions and Answers
  • XI. John of Damascus, On Heresies
  • XII. Michael Syncellus, Unknown refutation of Islam
  • XIII. Disputation between a Christian and a Saracen
  • XIV. Theophanes, Chronographia
  • XV. Nicephorus, the patriarch of Constantinople, Concise Chronography
  • XVI. The Life of St. John of Damascus
  • XVII. The Apocalypse of Daniel
  • XVIII. Gregory Decapolite, The Historical Sermon About a Vision Which a Saracen Once Had
  • XIX. The Formula of Abjuration of Islam
  • XX. George the Monk (Hamartolus), Chronicle
  • XXI. The Life of St. Constantine-Cyril (the Philosopher)
  • XXII. The Life of St. Gregentius, archbishop of the Himyarites (St. Gregory of Taphar)
  • XXIII. The Life of St. Basil the Younger
  • XXIV. Nicephorus, The Life of St. Andrew the Fool (Salos)
  • XXV. Symeon Magister and Logothete, Chronicle
  • XXVI. John Zonaras, Epitome historiarum
  • XXVII. Constantine Manasses, Chronicle
  • XXVIII. The Life of St. Theodore of Edessa
  • XXIX. The Story of How Prince Vladimir Chose the Religion
  • XXX. Euthymius Zigabenus, Panoplia Dogmatica
  • XXXI. Riccoldo da Monte Croce, Contra legem Sarracenorum
  • XXXII. The Sermon on Idols
  • XXXIII. Palaea Interpretata
  • XXXIV. John VI Cantacuzene, Four Apologies, Four Orations against Muhammad
  • XXXV. On Bohmit the Heretic
  • XXXVI. The Tale of the Rout of Mamai
  • XXXVII. Afanasy Nikitin, The Journey Beyond Three Seas
  • XXXVIII. The Tale of the Shameful Saracen Faith
  • XXXIX. Maximus the Greek (Michael Trivolis)
  • Indices
  • Index of People
  • Index of Ethnic and Geographic Names
  • Abstract